squeezing value

more from every bite.

I learned this from working with nonprofits.

Squeeze more value out of everything.

The way we think about selling is linear.

  1. Create offer
  2. Pitch offer
  3. Make sale

But next to nobody in the real world (where our customers live) thinks like this at all.

In nonprofit land, budgets are scarce.

You HAVE to do more with everything because there is nothing extra.

So you become thrifty.

Let’s say we’re selling graphic design services.

Here are all the ways we can stretch what we’re doing with the 1, 2, and 3 I just mentioned:

1. Create offer

  • Create original offer
  • Create a mega original offer
  • Create 10x different micro offers that ladder up to the original offer
  • Create a freebie that takes you less <15 minutes to complete
  • Ask 10 peers to remix your offer
  • Ask 10 adjacent businesses to remix your offer
  • Create your offer with a seasonal flavour

​ and more…

2. Pitch offer

  • Pitch your offer to new customers
  • Pitch your offer to existing customers
  • Pitch your offer to existing customers asking for a referral
  • Pitch your offer to new customers and offer a discount for 3 orders
  • Get a community to pitch your offer
  • Turn your offer into a different deliverable (DIY, Done With You, or training) and pitch it
  • Pitch building a system for repeatedly delivering the offer in-house

and more…

3. Make sale

  • Make sale with an invoice
  • Make sale with payment upfront
  • Make sale and offer to do it quarterly for 2-3X the original price for more predictable cashflow
  • Make the sale and ask if anyone else could benefit from this
  • Make the sale and upsell a different offer
  • Make the sale and refer the customer to an adjacent business for a referral fee

and more…

Would you sell more design work this way?

It’s far easier to sell to someone who has already bought from you.

And if you do start working with someone new, there’s many ways you can help them that you’re probably sitting on today.

It just requires taking more from every bite.

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got is a compelling book on this kind of thinking by Jay Abraham.

If you do a cheeky Google search you might find a PDF of it lying around too 🤫

Reply and let me know if this has prompted something for what you’re working on. I'd love to hear about it


p.s. I had 3 takers on the playbooks I mentioned, and am having a lot of fun building them - thanks!

PO Box 378, Kangaroo Ground, Victoria 3097
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