know your numbers

know your numbers.

I’m often surprised.

By how quickly things can be dismissed.

Growing a venture takes time.

Growing a business takes time.

Growing a side-hustle takes time.

People miss this.

A certain amount needs to happen against time.

Numbers + time = desired result.

The numbers are what people miss.

A founder has launched a new offer.

It’s brave.

It’s putting themselves out there.

80 people have been to the page.

30 have clicked through to the buy now button.

No sales.

Does this mean it’s a failure?

No - this offer has been out less than a week.

The event is another 6 weeks away.

It’s too early to tell.

A no-code tutor started a YouTube channel and posted her numbers in Indie Hackers.

“This may sound like a small number”, she said.

9 months, 500 subscribers.

I saw her post and pointed out it’s actually mind-blowing.

It’s very hard to get those numbers from scratch.

And in such a short time frame!

You can check this against other YouTube channels that started 9 months ago - 99% have worst results.

We’re quick to dismiss things.

But patience, grit, and stubbornly improving the same thing are criminally under-rated.

It’s now 2025.

Pick something you know is valuable and grit it out.

By the end of the year you’ll be ahead of the 99% that didn’t.

I will be.


p.s. I'll be gritting with this newsletter - and share more goodies. The first of these is a crash course on cold email - reply to this email with “BULLDOG” and I’ll send it to you next week.

PO Box 378, Kangaroo Ground, Victoria 3097
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